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The Murders of Ibrahim Sesay and Ka’Ailyah Rainey

The Murders of Ibrahim Sesay and Ka’Ailyah Rainey


When you think of DC murders most cases that come to mind are Chandra Levy, the DC Sniper or made up deaths that occur on House of Cards. Other than that people don’t think to deeply into DC homicide. I was looking up different cases to cover over the next couple weeks I uncovered the list on the Metropolitan police department government page. It is public record anyone can google it. I was nothing short of appalled when a sea of black faces swept up on my screen. In 2021 alone, there have been over 100 homicides unsolved. Of that over 90% of victims are black. This in itself is an epidemic, but the biggest disservice of all is that I couldn’t tell you any of their names without checking the website. 


This reality sat with me for awhile. On one hand the media isn't covering these cases, not the way they covered Maura Murray, or Gabby Petito. On the other hand truth be told, what is there to cover. A murder occurs usually by a shooting, and there isn't much information given out after that. Either the police don't have enough information, or they are not willing to share the information, or people aren't coming forward with what they know. A lot of these homicides are occurring in lower income areas. For those who do not know, Washington DC is broken up into four quadrants. Northwest, North East, Southwest, and Southeast. A majority of the unsolved homicides occurred in southeast and lower income areas in the other quadrants. Metropolitan areas are cities so there are going to be higher crime rates in general . However the comparison of location too unsolved murders is uncanny.   


As I looked through these photos of different victims I thought to myself a lot of these people look like me, they look like my best friends, they look like my boyfriend, they look like aunts and uncles. There are families that are left behind devastated and caught in this whirlwind of the idea that the police either don't care, or can't be of any service. When the media comes around they report it for about a day or so, and then it's off to another topic. I call these murders The Forgotten. But the truth is these unsolved crimes leave a trail of questions. The people that died, they matter, they had stories and dreams and aspirations and they didn't deserve to be killed recklessly. Followed up with a candlelight vigil and deflated balloons and teddy bears that eventually end up soaked in water and mud only to be thrown away. They don't deserve early gravestones and broken-hearted mothers. 


So today I am going to tell you the story of two cases. I don't have much information so both stories will be short, but they deserve to be told regardless. As always if you happen to know anything or have heard anything please contact the metropolitan police at 2027279099.  


Ibrahim Sesay

Ibrahim Sesay had big dreams. The 20 year old was born and raised in Washington DC. He was tallish with a slender build. He was close with his family and had friends from back home. In 2019 Ibrahim attended Delaware State University. This school is an HBCU, and known for  it’s lively campus, being a party school but also graduating people who end up doing incredible things. Ibrahim attended with goals of using his creative abilities to make a lifelong career. He was a communications major. His professor Ted Yucci recalls, “ Ibrahim, was creative and had boundless energy. He was always one of the first people to turn his work in. He really cared about everything. He was someone who accepted constructive criticism well and was always receptive to the suggestions of others. He was just a good person.”


In the beginning of 2021, college students were inching back to campus. Some were still taking classes online, while others were going back with the preparation of being in their dorms. It was just after the new year; I imagine Ibrahim was beginning to decide on whether or not he would be returning to school or finishing his second semester of sophomore year at home. on January 6th Ibrahim decided to go to the gas station convenience store in the 1300 block of Ninth Street NW. It was around 11:00 o'clock at night. The area is pretty busy. There are storefronts, and if you walk about five blocks you make it to the Washington DC bar scene. I myself am familiar I have probably walked on 9th street over 50 times since I've lived in DC. Ibrahim's plan was to grab a couple of items and be on his way. January 6th was a Wednesday it was also the day of the Capitol Riots. Most of the violence and fear was in a different part of Washington DC. As Ibrahim stood inside looking for items,  4 young males entered the store. 3 in ski masks, in an attempt of robbery. Mayhem ensued, as customers scattered to flee the store. Ibrahim stood between one young man with a gun, by the entrance. He struggled what the man attempting to remove him and himself and in the tussle was shot.  The attempted thieves ran off, and Ibrahim had an ambulance called to take him to the hospital. It was there that he succumbed to his wounds and was pronounced dead. This case did not get much news, maybe it was because of the Capital Riots and everything else happening in the city. But one thing that has gone unnoticed is that Ibrahim was a hero. He stood by the entrance door attempting to stop whatever violence was about to ensue, and it cost him his life. 


From January to the beginning of March there was silence, there was no movement on the case other than a $25,000 reward for anyone who knew anything. By March 3rd 2021 the case took a turn, when police announced they had arrested 2 18 year old men Sean Howard the 3rd and Shaquille Bynum. Sean was arrested first, and the next day Shaquille was brought in for questioning and arrested. On March 2nd Judge Herman found probable cause for both defendants and charged them with 1st degree felony murder. There isn't much that I can say about Shaquille and Sean, I couldn't find anything in my research both names are pretty common. The case has not had any other movement and for now it is believed that both young men sit in jail. However, there was witness testimony that there were four men involved so there are two men out there who know something and have not come forward. For now we continue to keep Ibrahim and his family in our thoughts he was a good person and did not deserve what happened to him. There is some justice in knowing that we are close to half the story and hopefully within the coming months we will get more information. 




Ka’Ailyah Rainey


Ka’Ailyah Rainey was a beautiful intelligent 22 year old girl from Washington DC. When I  initially found her case I stared at her picture for a really long time. She reminded me so much of my sister, and my best friend. She had a warm smile and enjoyed doing different hairstyles she's slender with a cute sense of style, and something about her just seemed like she was probably a really warm person. Back that up with her mourning family there is no doubt in my mind that Ka’Ailyah was just the type of person that had a light about her. Looking her up I saw so many comments under pictures saying how surprised they were that this happened and why her? She was also the first murder in Washington DC of the 2021 new year. 


On January 4th Ka’Ailyah was coming home at approximately 2:00 AM with her mother. The two had decided to go to a family member's birthday party. They were on their way home when at 3800 block of Wheeler Road, Southeast someone started shooting. From my research I cannot tell if Ka’Ailyah was in the back seat or the passenger seat however her mother was driving and she was shot in the head and her mother survived. Her mother Lataryna Commodore described her as the best daughter. In an interview with WUSA 9 Lataryna teary eyed described the incident to the best of her ability. Two cars were coming behind the minivan she drove  and started shooting at each other and it shattered the back window. Lataryna then turned down the street in an attempt to get away. 


"I went to check on my baby and the bullet hit her and she wouldn't answer."


More than 40 gunshot wounds had erupted on that street that night one of them of course hitting Ka’Ailyah. Ka’Ailyah was an older sister to two younger siblings both under three. She was close with her parents and stepparents and they have come together now more than ever in order to honor and find out what happened to their daughter. Since the shooting there were a couple articles put out but after that there has been nothing either police are keeping the ongoing investigation quiet or there hasn't been much information to report on. For now we continue to wait until we have more updates in hopes of someone coming forward . Whether the gunshot was intended for the minivan or not which it likely wasn't Ka’Ailyah is most likely a casualty. That does not defer from the fact that She was a young girl just entering her 20s and she had so much life to live. She and her mother were just on their way home from a good evening and no one in the Rainey family deserved this. A murder is still a murder even if the bullet was sent for an unintended victim. Her story needs to continue to be told and the perpetrators need to be brought to justice to pay for what they've done. There have been memorial services held and the current discussion on gun violence was brought up again after this death however often times this leads to things quieting out until another murder occurs. But this story isn't a tail of being careful, it isn't a life lesson. It is someone that was killed, and we deserve to know what really happened to her and who is responsible. 


  If you know anything please reach out to police, you can be completely anonymous. And please like and share these stories it is more than just sharing A blog post it is helping us get a step closer to the truth and finding justice for these innocent lives. 

ibrahim Sesay

ibrahim Sesay

Ka’Ailyah Rainey

Ka’Ailyah Rainey



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