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Jeffery Dahmer Murdered Minorities

Jeffery Dahmer Murdered Minorities

By now most of you have heard of Jeffery Dahmer, if not from pop culture, then a documentary, or podcast, or maybe you’ve gone down a rabbit hole of obsessing over his heinous crimes. Whatever the reason you know the story.


To give you a brief overview Jeffery Dahmer is a monster. Notorious for evading the police for years and collecting17 known victims in his reign of terror. Born on May 21st 1960 in Milwaukie Wisconsin, he was the oldest of two boys. His father Lionel was busy known to be in his studies and consistently working. His mother suffered with depression. Dahmer grew up quiet and timid, his teachers recalled him being shy, often overlooked due to his father’s busy schedule and mother’s illness. By his freshman year in high school Jeffery picked up a drinking habit. Often drinking in the morning before class.


By the time he reached his teen years three things were certain:

First Jeffery Dahmer was a quiet young man fascinated with bones and dead bodies.

Second, Jefferey Dahmer was an acholic

Third, Jeffery Dahmer was gay.


By Dahmer's later admission, he began fantasizing about dominating and controlling a completely submissive male partner in his early- to mid-teens, and his masturbatory fantasies gradually evolved to his focusing upon the chests and torsos. These fantasies gradually became intertwined with dissection. By the time Jefferey graduated high school his parents had decided to divorce and his father would later remarry.


Jeffery was 18 years old when he committed his first murder luring a young man named Steven Hicks to his father’s home and murdering him. Jefferey spent a brief time at Ohio Status University and dropped out, he was unqualified to stay the military because he was an alcoholic. He received an honorable discharge and eventually moved home to stay with his father and new wife. There was a ten year hiatus, but in 1987 Jeffery would continue what would be a 13 year long killing spree taking the lives of 17 boys and men. 15 of them being minorities.



I was on Tik Tok the other day, as I usually am, and a young user posted about Jeffery Dahmer. I took it upon myself to comment that Jefferey Dahmer notoriously murdered men of color. To which user @homelesslivinglavish responded “not necessarily he was just going for men he found attractive, and happened to living in an area with a lot of black people” now of course me and this person went back and forth, but there were a few things that pissed me off. 1. The idea that  a person will literally defend Jefferey Dahmer in order to protect their white fragility and 2. The idea that Jefferey Dahmer was so attracted to black people that he just had to kill them.


Most serial killers choose their victims based on a trigger. So it may be that they gravitate to the innocence in young women, or someone that reminds them of a parent. And the truth is Jefferey Dahmer may have been incredibly attracted to people of color but that’s not the only, or main reason he he decided to kill them.. But if you think that Jeffery Dahmer happened to live in the hood for 13 years and just decided to kill his neighbors for convenience and hornieness. You are mistaken .


There is much controversy over why Jefferey Dahmer chose his victims. Was it because of his homosexuality? Was he racist (which he eminently denied—I guess the worst thing to be in the world isn’t a serial killer, it is in fact a bigot.) In interviews done Jefferey has admitted that for him it was all about power. The ability to have someone be completely submissive to him. The truth is during Jeffery’s era people were still conservative and didn’t want to consider his sexuality or race preference in his killings, and if they did they spoke on it very lightly.  Ian Barnard reports in the Rationalization of Sexuality- The queer case of Jefferey Dahmer “During and after Dahmer' s trial, the few reporters who did discuss homophobia and Dahmer's gayness (primarily in the gay media) tended to ignore the fact that Dahmer was white and that all but three of the seventeen men he murdered were of color. This reticence was presumably a sign of embarrassment, a dread of having gayness associated with racism, or a fear of talking about interracial sex in the context of the Dahmer murders.”

People didn’t have an answer directly, as to why he chose his victims, but there are theories and the one I believe most is simply: Power and freedom.

Have you heard of?

Mark Goudeau

Chester Turner

Craig Price

James Jaleske

Gary M Heidnik

Probably not, their crimes are just as heinous and vile and violent as Jeffery Dahmer’s. The reason you haven’t heard of them? Probably because their victims were black or people of color in low income areas. In fact, in my opinion the reason Jeffery Dahmer stood out so much is because of what he would do to the bodies after they were murdered. He was known to cook pieces of meat and serve to neighbors on occasion, he kept body’s in his freezer and in barrels, he partook in necrophilia. The gore of it all was what is romanticized.  He lived  in a low income area and went undetected for so long. I think the horror of how he treated the bodies afterwards is what fascinated people. In fact he probably could have been as notorious as Sam Little had he been able to evade the police. But a 13 year run isn’t bad. And I think he chose his victims for that sole reason, because people of color don’t set off alarm bells the way young white people (bonus points if you’re attractive) do.

Jeffery Dahmer’s parents were in his life. His father and stepmother did whatever they could to support him. He even lived with them for a while keeping body parts in their basement. He also spent 6 years living in his grandmothers house, murdering and holding bodies their during his stay. So, the argument of proximity is out, he would kill people from low income areas, and I can tell you one thing – grandma and mom and dad were not living in the ghetto. He was supported and accepted by his family. When he moved, he chose to live in a low-income area. He chose to find black men, who were gay or gay for pay, on the downlow, or young and trying to figure out their sexuality. He would pretend to want to date them then capture them, tie them or handcuff them, and murder them. It was reported he didn’t even enjoy the murders so much as he enjoyed them not being alive. He was attracted to the idea of being incapable of moving or fighting back. He practiced science experiments on them. If that doesn’t make you think of slave masters and slaves, I don’t know what will. A man with a .45 gpa in college would murder and test his victims. He had illusions of creating zombies, or Frankenstein creatures. When he was bored, lonely, aroused, felt the need to feel power – he would kill.

We all know Jeffery Dahmer’s ending. He was murdered on November 28 1994, in a twist of fate by an inmate named Jesse Anderson, a black man no less. He had evaded the police for so long doing short stints in jail for indecent exposure, assault. Which leads me to remind people that he was assaulting and killing young boys and grown men. There is nothing flattering or attractive about that. He was a pedophile and a selfish power hungry predator looking for innocent and weak victims that would go undetected.

That’s the thing, even now when I researched this case. It was so difficult to find information on his victims. Any research on them is vague, yet there are 16 pages of google search engine links to Jeffery Dahmer alone with about 11 links per page that’s about 176 articles on Jeffery Dahmer and I can barely get the background for any of his victims. People are more interested in the heads stuck in the freezer and the hypodermic needles used on his victims then who his actual victims were.

These men were actual human beings. They had dreams and aspirations. They had families and hobbies. They had responsibilities and are more than just people who fell into the trap of a mongrel. They were young men deserve to have their names in the history books just as much if not more than he does.

  • Richard Guerrero, 25: March 1988

  • Anthony Sears, 24: February 1989

  • Eddie Smith, 36: June 1990

  • Ricky Beeks, 27: July 1990

  • Ernest Miller, 22: September 1990

  • David Thomas, 23: September 1990

  • Curtis Straughter, 16: February 1991

  • Errol Lindsey, 19: April 1991

  • Tony Hughes, 31: May 24, 1991

  • Konerak Sinthasomphone, 14: May 27, 1991

  • Matt Turner, 20: June 30, 1991

  • Jeremiah Weinberger, 23: July 5, 1991

  • Oliver Lacy, 23: July 12, 1991

  • Joseph Bradeholt, 25: July 19, 1991


These men deserved better. Since only their murders are the real stories reported we can pretty much figure out why. There stories weren’t looked into as much because the shock value was in the person doing the murdering. And would they have been believed had they survived and come forward anyway? Dahmer’s 13th vicitim Konerak Sinthasomphone wasn’t. The young boy was the younger brother of a victim Jeffery Dahmer had molested prior. He was kidnapped by Jeffery and was actually able to escape. According to Charles Montalvo’s Biography on Jeffery Dahmer piece – on the early morning of May 27th 1991 “the young Sinthasomphone was seen wandering the streets nude and disoriented. When police arrived on the scene there were paramedics, two women who were standing close to the confused Sinthasomphone, and Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer told police that Sinthasomphone was his 19-year-old lover who was drunk and the two had quarreled.

The police escorted Dahmer and the boy back to Dahmer's apartment, much against the protest of the women, who had witnessed Sinthasomphone fighting off Dahmer before the police had arrived.

The police found Dahmer's apartment neat and other than noticing an unpleasant smell, nothing seemed amiss. They left Sinthasomphone under Dahmer's care.

Later, the police officers John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish joked with their dispatcher about reuniting the lovers. Within hours, Dahmer killed Sinthasomphone.”

Konerak was of Asian decent. That smell by the way was noticed and complained about by many neighbors in the building Jefferey Dahmer occupied. It was never taken seriously or investigated.  


The final victim to evade and turn Jeffery in was Tracey Edwards. Mr. Edwards is one of the few victims and only survivor we get much of a background about, unlike Konerak he was able to speak English and explain just who Jefferey Dahmer was and what he had in store for his victims. On July 22nd 1991 32 year old Tracy Edwards was lured into Jeffery Dahmer’s home with the intention of posing nude for money. Tracy was handsome, tall slender with a long face and large brown eyes. He was kind and got along well with people. When he made it to Jefferey’s apartment he was immediately threated with a knife and handcuffed. Jeffery told Tracy he planned to “eat his heart” as he rocked back and fourth with his ear on his chest. Tracy was terrified, but knew he had to find a way out of this. He began to talk to Jeffery befriending him and convincing him to watch tv and just hang out together. When Dahmer was distracted Tracey punched him in the face and ran out he door. He was able to pull over a couple police officers and convince them to go to Jeffery Dahmer’s apartment. A policeman discovered photos of dismembered corpses — which were clearly taken in the same exact apartment that they were now standing in. Upon closer inspection of the apartment, the police found four severed heads in the kitchen and a total of seven skulls, many of them painted. In the fridge, they found numerous body parts, including two human hearts.


There are also a bunch of other sick twisted items that were found. That I will allow you all to divert to and do your own research on, should you want to loose your appetite quickly.


Dahmer was arrested and admitted to all 17 murders. He was found to be sane for his 1992 trial and was in jail for about 6 years until his own murder. Towards the end of his life he was depressed and had accepted his fate. He knew of the horrible acts he had done, and was essentially an empty shell of a person.


Though Jefferey Dahmer was adamant this had nothing to do with race, he meticulously chose his victims. Mostly based on the accessibility and the chance to get away with it. he lured his victim ins in with the promise of money or dating, and some  just overpowered and forced. Regardless of the route he took it is clear their lives didn’t matter, he went 13 years living this life of crime, and was finally caught because a victim was able to get away, not because the police were going out of their way to look for the victims that had seemingly gone missing.


So yes, Jefferey Dahmer was sick and evil and whether he was attracted to his victims or not, he ultimately took their lives and scarred their loved ones. Most of his victims were either black or gay, they were people that almost seemed to be discarded once they disappeared. What is scarier than chopped up cadavers in a fridge, is the idea that we live in a society where a person can evade the police for over a decade all because of the race or sexuality of their victims.



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